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137 Old Benin Agbor Rd, 300104, Edo State.

(+234) 7089043121

About Us


Raising People of Impact with strong Leadership

I specially welcome everyone as you come to view this website of GLORY CARRIERS INTERNATIONAL CHURCH INC. My name is Pastor Temidayo A. Ademiluyi, the senior pastor and presiding pastor of GLORY CARRIERS INTL CHURCH INC. which was established on 17th of October, 2010. My prayer for you is that as you view this website, you will have a DIVINE encounter with JESUS Christ. There will be a revelation for you. Wisdom will be impacted into your life and generally, positivity will affect your life and household. Take your time, go through it. You will be blessed and remind blessed in Jesus Christ's name. Amen. Pastor Temidayo A. Ademiluyi is the senior pastor of Glory Carriers International Church Inc., with branches around the world. A ministry called to bring homes out of darkness and lead destinies to Christ, pushing millions to their harvest through the instrumentality of God's glory and the knowledge of sacrifice. He is a preacher of God's Word and holds a postgraduate diploma in education. He is married to Pastor (Mrs.) Evelyn Ademiluyi and they are blessed with children.
Place Of Heaven
The Bible describes heaven as the dwelling place of God and the ultimate destination of the faithful. According to the Bible, heaven is a place of eternal joy, peace, and happiness, where believers will enjoy the presence of God and the company of fellow believers. In the New Testament, Jesus speaks of heaven as a place where there are many dwelling places, and that He is preparing a place for believers to join Him (John 14:2-3).
Study Bible
Studying the Bible can help you grow as a person by providing insights into human behavior, relationships, and moral values. It can help you develop a better understanding of yourself and the world around you. If you are a person of faith, studying the Bible can help you deepen your understanding of your beliefs and relationship with God.

“Pray! And listen to God! You can do this alone, but find somebody to do it with you and fulfill your destiny”

Our Drive

Bringing homes out of dark places, lead lives to Christ, push destinies to their harvest through the instrumentality of God’s word and the knowledge of sacrifice.

Our Target

Raising Generations of integrity, humility and purity.

Our Motto

I will not give unto the lord that which cost me nothing 2 Samuel 24:24

Wind of Glory

Pst Temidayo Ademiluyi features on this program  Every Friday at 7pm on ITV BENIN CITY


Church Pastors